
 Readiness for the Leadership Role
    How ready am I?

 This assessment had a total of 25 questions and I scored a total of 84 points out of a possible 125 points. This score indicates that I have a moderate readiness for the role of leadership. During high school I was part of many clubs and I also co-founded my school's first badminton club. This club had an avid following of members that met twice a week to learn the ins and outs of the game. I was also one of the leaders in my Modern Languages club that taught students the basic of Spanish and French. I volunteered my time on weekends to assist in my local animal shelter, becoming a senior volunteer. With all these points in mind, I think that I have had a fair amount of experience as being a leader.

Level of Self Confidence
In this assessment, I scored 57 points out of a possible 75 points after answering 15 questions. According to the grading, I have a high desirable level of self confidence. I have never really been a self confident person throughout the first 2 years of secondary school. Only until my last few years of it was when I become head of several clubs and co founded one of them. That was when I had to stand firm in what I believe in and also delegate it down to the members. Unusual situations do not really affect me. I stay calm and try to fine the best solution to the problem or how to handle the situation correctly.

Am I a Trustworthy Person ?
For one to depended on as a leader, I believe that one of the major characteristics is being trustworthy. A team would not listen to the leader if they don't trust him/her. This assessment was not based on a score, but rather if the statement fits you or not. Seeing that I got most of the questions on this assessment 'fits me,' I can be considered a trustworthy individual. I would agree with this as I think that I can listen to people well and understand where they come from. I am good at keeping secrets and my friends know that they can come to me when they need someone to talk to at any time.
Personal Resiliency
Out of a total 13 points, I scored 10. This signifies that I am moderately resilient. I can be put the test and be durable in tough situations. I would say that I can withstand pressure to a certain extent but too much can start to take a toll on me. I haven't been put under that much pressure in my life where I can say that I am a resilient person but I think that I can stand up for myself when the time calls for it.
Emotional Expressiveness
I scored 77 points out of 100 on this quiz. I would say that I am emotionally expressive person. I am somewhat of an emotional person when I am ready. I do feel that I can be more affectionate with my peers, however. When I feel really passionate about something I will show how I feel about it. My friends have told me that I have certain facial expressions to demonstrate how I feel about a situation or person. I am able to control it in many instances, as in a less formal context. I am known for a hearty laugh amongst my friends, also.
Transformational Leadership
Am I task oriented?
     After answering 10 questions, the results of my quiz says that I am below average. During high school I was not one to follow up with projects and group as frequently as I should have. Only when it came down to the final days of the due date was when I would focus on the task at hand. I would say that I am a procrastinator but I would do the work by the time that it is due. It would not be my best work but that's how it went during high school. I would do little pieces of the project during allotted time but not put my main focus into it until there is pressure to do it. I would say that the procrastination has toned down a bit since I began JWU, which is a great thing.
What type of leader would I be?

   I scored 16 points out of 20 true or false questions in this assessment. This states that I am a participative leader. I ask people what their opinion is before making any decision. I am conscious of their feelings and input into any situation or matter. I do not try to solve the problems that they may encounter but rather help them come to a conclusion themselves. No one person in a group should have majority of the work weighted on their shoulders. Teamwork is key to any business.
Risk Taking
     Out of 60 points, I scored 41 after answering 10 questions. According to this assessment, I avoid taking risks. I would agree with this to an extent. I tend to shy away from anything that would put me in a position to be opposed to or anything that would potentially turn back on me. I would rather be assertive in what I know already than venture out and find something that would contradict that. 

The Teamwork Checklist
This checklist was an informal guide to diagnosing teamwork. The more statements that I responded yes to, it was more likely that good teamwork is present. Teamwork is what builds a business. Without it, nothing can happen efficiently. In the culinary field, teamwork is especially important as we are dependent on each other to  work and communicate effectively to get the job done in a timely manner. Without it, the whole restaurant/kitchen/business will crumble. 


Situational perspective

this quiz  asked 15 agree? disagree questions. the maximum score was 75 points. I can say that I evaluated every situation before I decide how I handle it. not  every situation warrants the same responds at all times. I think that to be a good leader this is what you need to do. Not everyone will react to the situation and this is why you have  to determine the situation effectively in order to give a response to it 


 This quiz tests my ethics as a leader. it masked me 20 question  and the range for the most ethical leader was 20-25. I scored 29 points. this suggests the self- image of a leader or potential leader with an average level of ethics. I agree with the score that I received. I am a closer to the lower end of the spectrum meaning that I am in a good range. as leaders, we must treat everyone  equally and  impartially. We must not be blinded by biased views of any person that we may have. 

The air Force Character Attributes Checklist

 This questioned on integrity, honesty, loyalty, selfness, compassion, competency, respectfulness, fairness, responsibility, self discipline, decisiveness, spiritual appreciation and cooperativeness. I scored high in most of these areas. This perceives me as having a good and acceptable character. this is great attributes for any leader to have. He must be the prime example to set for  his employees to follow. Without the traits then he will not be  considered an effective leader.

Team Player Attitudes
Out of 12 questions, I scored 46 points. This shows that I have strong positive attitude toward being a team member and working cooperatively with other members. Although I scored on the lower end of the range, I still believe that I am open to team work. I think that without teamwork and without getting to know who you work with, that the business will not be able to run smoothly.

My approach to Motivating Others
This assessment had 20 questions, I scored 86 out of 100 possible answers. This shows that I have average skill and knowledge with motivating others. I would agree with this score. I fall on the closer end of the range of having advanced knowledge. So, I take it that I am not unaware of motivating others around me. I would say that I have the ability to use this technique on the people around to do or complete a task.
How much do I crave recognition?
I scored 36 points out of a total 55 points from 11 agree/disagree questions. This means that I have an average need for recognition in my career or when I do good work. This, to me, is a good range to fall in. I do not always do things to be recognized. It is nice to be recognized for good deeds or a job well done but I do not always crave it... sometimes I do, however.
Am I an Effective Coach?
This assessment measured my behaviors and attitudes to determine if I am an effective coach. It questioned me about my patience, enthusiasm, emotional security, friendliness and diplomacy among an array of other characteristics. This quiz was not scored but I asked that I develop traits that I lack. For example, insight into people. I gather that since I have most of these traits, that I am able to be an effective coach.

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